All Modules are 3 hours in length Except for Online Module 101.
You can take any courses you like in any order to total your 15 hours as long as you do not duplicate Modules.


( All courses are 3 hours each. Coaches can take any five modules to satisfy the
Connecticut Department of Education requirements but Modules may not be duplicated)

Module 1 Revised - Coaching Principles & Practice – Philosophy, Motivation and Character'

Module 2 Revised - Communication, Public Relations and Organization- (NO LONGER IN SERVICE 3/17)

Module 3 Revised - Safety Rules, Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries

Module 4 - Legal Aspects of Interscholastic Coaching I (14 Duties)(ALSO ONLINE)

Module 5 - CIAC Rules and Regulation(ALSO ONLINE)

Module 6 - Legal Aspects of Interscholastic Coaching II - Revocation, Hazing & Harassment (ALSO ONLINE)

Module 7 - CIAC Guide To the Roles and Responsibilities of a Coach

Module 8 - Strength & Conditioning Design for Interscholastic Athletic Programs

Module 9 - Sport Psychology for Interscholastic Coaches

Module 10 - Gender Equity & Diversity Awareness for Coaches

Module 11 - Coaching the Female Athlete

Module 12 - All-Adult Construct of Coaching

Module 13 - Nutrition, Performing Enhancing Supplements

Module 14 - Critical Incidents and Emergency Planning (retired)

Module 15 - Concussion Management (ALSO ONLINE)

Module 16 - Appropriate Use of Electronic Media by Coaches(ALSO ONLINE)

Module 17 - Dealing with Parents of Athletes (ALSO ONLINE)

Module 18 - Dealing with the College Bound Athlete(ALSO ONLINE)

Module 19 - The Impact of Ethical Standards on Youth(ALSO ONLINE)

Module 20 - Sportsmanship and Citizenship(ALSO ONLINE)

Module 21 - Stress Related to Athletic Programs

Module 22 - Athletic Program Organizational Procedures and Planning

Module 23 - Opioid Awareness for Athletes and Parents

Module 24 - Cultural Sensitivity & School Athletic Programs

Module 25 - Prevention & Basic Care of Athletic Injuries

Module 26 - Guidance for Coaches - A Prescription for Success

Module 27 - Building Character in Athletes

Module 28 - Mental Health for Athletes

Module 29 - Understanding the CIAC Out of Seeason Rule

Module 30 - School Safety and Emergenmcy Action Plans

Module 50 -
Swimming Pool Safety Training for Coaches and PE Instructors

Module 51 - Safety Training for Football Coaches(ALSO ONLINE)

Module 52 - Safety Training and Fundamentals for Baseball Pitching

Module 78 - Middle School Athletic Programing

Module 101 - Fundamentals in Coaching (ONLINE ONLY -6 HOURS)


Module 91 - Cheerleading Program Management

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