Why a Coaching Permit is Required * * Course Information, Description and Cost * * Frequently Asked Permit Questions * * CSDE Coaching permit Form * *CSDE Temp Coaching Permit Form ED186 * *Calendar of Courses* * Contact CCEP
Want to Coach in Connecticut and do not have a permit??
If you are not a certified teacher in Connecticut then you need to take the 45 clock hour
course or have the district where you work apply for a Temporary Emergency 1 year permit.

Blended/Online 45 Clock Hour Course
(A majority of this course will be delivered online and
it will require a 4 hour in-person session to be completed.)

NOTE: Target dates for the in-person sessions will be provided
at the conclusion of the preview and prior to registration, however,
those dates will change as classes fill up. Keep in mind the in-person
sessions are usually held in late July or early August, late October or
early November, and in early March.
You should contact our office for specific dates.

Refunds will not be issued if a coach applies for a second temp permit.
Cost - $475

that satisfies CT.  Public ACT 14-66

For more Information and Registration for the
45 Hour Blended/Online Course

Click here

****New State Department of Education ****
Permit Submission Process

The best and quickest method of submitting an application for either an
ED 186 (Temp Permit) or an ED 185 (5 yr Renewable Permit)
is to send a COMPLETED PACKET (form and all necessary attachments)
to the State Department of Education via snail mail to the address
at the top of the form.


Read the instructions sheet attached to each form before submitting:

Form ED 186 for a - Temporary Emergency Permit Form
Click Here

Form ED 185 for a - 5yr Renewable Permit Form
Click Here